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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make or request a police report? 

During business hours, please call our Police Department office at 510-526-4141, and we will be happy to help you.  After business hours, please call the non-emergency line to Dispatch at 510-525-7573 and ask for an officer to contact you; an officer will call you as soon as they are available. 

Who should I contact if something is missing on the new site?

Please send an email to 

How can I see the agenda for the upcoming board meeting?

The next three meetings (which include the board and committees) are shown in the lower half of the Home page. Click on the meeting you're interested in, and it will take you to a page containing the agenda and other relevant information.

Where can I find the old Agendas?

They are located in the Meeting Archives section under Governance, separated by year, along with minutes and recordings. They are also attached to individual meetings.

Where is all the extra information that used to be contained in the agenda packet?

 Miscellaneous information that used to be included in the agenda is now contained in monthly reports. You can find them in the Governance section. The direct link is here.

Why do I have to call the office to request a vacation watch? What happens to the form?

The system had severe security issues because of how emails were sent to the KPD and back to the resident. To compound the potential problems, the old website was visibly hacked around the first of the year. The new site is much more secure, but until we can design a better system, the vacation watch form has been replaced with a message telling folks to call the police to arrange a vacation watch.

The search results show the page which contains my search term, but not the specific document. Why don't the search results tell me which document the search found my term?

There is a feature/bug in the CMS that only shows the page, not the specific document. We're working with Streamline (The CMS host) to fix this ASAP.